Company introduction

About CI

All manuscripts must be enlarged or reduced using computer data to copy for use.
There should be a clear space around the logotype to maximize visibility and impact from other visual elements and the minimum clear space based on the height of the logotype must be maintained. The minimum size is regulated to ensure visibility and must be followed to prevent misuse of the logotype.


The logotype has been designed as an essential element that symbolizes World Tube.
The italic style expresses the dynamics of movements and the red line that represents passion embodies the “advancing light” and “advancing company”.

Grid System

Minimum Size

Clear Space

Grid System

Minimum Size

Clear Space


The designated colors serve an important role in conveying the image of the World Tube.
The colors serve to convey the company’s image and are actively used in promotion or marketing.
The standard color should be maintained by reviewing the printing method, the concentration of the ink, paper material, and the medium for efficient use of the designated colors.

Main Color

Dark Gray

CMYK 80/75/72/48 RGB 47/47/48 HEX #2f2f30

Light Gray

CMYK 10/12/9/68 RGB 108/103/104 HEX #6c6768


CMYK 0/92/100/0 RGB 231/49/14 HEX #e6310e

Sub Color


CMYK 0/80/90/0 RGB 233/85/32 HEX #e95520


CMYK 0/45/100/0 RGB 244/160/0 HEX #f4a000